SDK Integration

Quick Integration

Before using the SDK, you need to integrate it into your development environment first.

  1. Copy DFQRScanner.aar to libs folder of your project.
  2. Add the following code to the build.gradle in your project.

      repositories { 
          flatDir {
             dirs project(':DFKYCLibrary').file('libs')
      dependencies {
          implementation(name: 'DFQRScanner', ext: 'aar')

Launch QRScanner


Intent scannerIntent = DFScannerUtils.getScannerIntent(this, API_ID, API_SECRET);

Start scanner activity

// 100 means requestCode
startActivityForResult(scannerIntent, 100);

Get SDK result

// 100 means requestCode
if (requestCode == 100) {
    if (resultCode == DFScannerUtils.RESULT_CODE_QR_SCAN_SUCCESS) {
         // Scan success
        DFScanResult scanResult = (DFScanResult) data.getSerializableExtra(DFScannerUtils.INTENT_EXTRA_KEY_QR_SCAN);
        Log.i("DFScannerUtils", scanResult.toString());
    } else {
         // Scan failed
        DFErrorModel errorModel = (DFErrorModel) data.getSerializableExtra(DFScannerUtils.INTENT_EXTRA_ERROR_MESSAGE);
        Log.i("DFScannerUtils", "fail" + errorModel.getReason());

Code Confusion

Add the following code in proguard file if you want to confuse code:

 -keep class com.deepfinch.** {*;}

Require Camera Permission

SDK needs to request camera permission before using, reference to file in SDK sample.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""