
1.API Specification
2.Request Params
3.Response Params
4.Error Codes

1.API Specification

This API is used to create a face set, which can contain up to 100,000 photos in latest 6 months.

Request Method


Request URL


Debugging Tool

Debugging Tool

2.Request Params

2.1 Request Header

Parameter Type Required Description
X-DF-API-ID string Yes For API credentials,Please visit API Request
X-DF-API-SECRET string Yes For API credentials,Please visit API Request

2.2 Request Body

Fields Type Description
required name string Name of face set
optional desc string Description of face set

3.Response Params

Fields Type Description
request_id string Unique id of each request
status string Response status. OK means "request success", other means "request failure",see Error Codes

Reponse Syntax:

  "request_id": "TID8bf47ab6eda64476973cc5f5b6ebf57e",
  "status": "OK"

4.Error Codes

Code Status Field Description
400 INVALID_ARGUMENT Request parameter is invalid
400 DOWNLOAD_ERROR Image download failed
401 UNAUTHORIZED Anauthorized or access is denied
401 KEY_EXPIRED Your API ID has expired
403 NO_PERMISSION You are not authorized to use this API
403 OUT_OF_QUOTA API calls quota exceeded
403 RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED API request frequency exceeds the limit
404 NOT_FOUND Requested API cannot be found
500 INTERNAL_ERROR Internal server error

Reponse Syntax:

  "status": "INVALID_ARGUMENT",
  "reason": "face db test already exist",
  "request_id": "TID8bf47ab6eda64476973cc5f5b6ebf57e"


results matching ""

    No results matching ""