Q1.What else do I need to do if the project turns on the code confusion?

Code confusion will result in crash because of no corresponding methods, therefore, you should add the following code in proguard file:

-dontwarn com.dfsdk.**
-keep class com.dfsdk.** { *; }
Q2.Call the public cloud interface and get hack scores to face comparisons.

After liveness detection success, the SDK returns the corresponding face image and an encrypted binary. You can upload this encrypted binary (or saved face image) to the public cloud interface for hack checks to face comparisons.

Q3.What happened to the compiler when the liveness detection SDK was imported?

You need to select the DFLivenessLibrary directory when you click Import project.

Q4.How do I get the SDK version?

int sdkVersion = DFLivenessSDK.getSDKVersion()

Q5.How to solve library not found?

1,Check if so in the library compiles to apk?Drag and drop the apk from Android Studio into the right view to view the apk contents.

2,The SDK supports two architectures, armeabi-v7a and arm64-v8a, and checks whether the two architectures are filtered in the project.If the armeabi schema is all that is left in the project, copy so from the armeabi-v7a directory in the aar package to armeabi.

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