API Request


The target reader of this document are developers for using the public cloud APIs.
The api server uses the API ID and API SECRET pairs to perform permission checks on each API request.

2.Apply for API ID and API SECRET

The API ID and API SECRET are the credentials for all api requests, you should keep it safe. Please contact us by email (support@accuauth.com) if you want to apply for a new certificate or update your existing certificates.


You should always provide an API ID and API SECRET pair for each API request(by params X-DF-API-ID and X-DF-API-SECRET in HTTP HEADER ) .

4.API Call

Send HTTP request to server(request)with proper parameters (See the API doc for parameters required API Catalog); API server will see the json format result to client (response); Client needs to parse result from the HTTP response.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""