
1.API Specification
2.Request Params
3.Response Params
4.Error Codes

1.API Specification

This API is used to recognize ID card of Peru, and extract the key information.

Image spec

1. Format: JPG(JPEG), PNG, e-aadhaar(PDF)
2. Between 128*128 and 6000*6000 (pixels), Recommended resolution: 1280*1280
3. File size: no larger than 5 MB

Request Method


Request URL


Debugging Tool

Debugging Tool

2.Request Params

2.1 Request Header

Parameter Type Required Description
X-DF-API-ID string Yes For API credentials,Please visit API Request
X-DF-API-SECRET string Yes For API credentials,Please visit API Request

2.2 Request Body

Fields Type Description
optional file file Binary data of the image
optional image_base64 string Base64 encoded data of image
optional detect_face integer 1: enable face detection, and the face_region field will be returned; 0: the default value, disable face detection.

Either parameter file or image_base64 must be provided as a request parameter.

You MUST add image stream to multipart/form-data section of POST message when using file parameter.

3.Response Params

Fields Type Description
request_id string Unique id of each request
status string Response status, OK if request success, other if failed; See Error Codes for details
results array The array of card ocr results,See results belowed for details
Elements in results:
Fields Type Description
card_type string The type of card: old/new/ALIEN
card_side string The side of card: front
card_info object The key infomation of card
face_region array Four point coordinates of face rect, format as: [(x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3), (x4, y4)]; The coordinate is based on the original image, while the points order is based on the face after rotation(top left, top right, bottom right, bottom left).
Elements in the card_info
  • The front side of new ID card
Fields Type Description
id_number string ID card number
father_name string Father's name
mother_name string Mother's name
name string Name of the person
gender string Gender in Spanish, MASCULINO: male, FEMENINO: female
gender_s string Formatted gender, M: male, F: female
marriage string Marriage status in Spanish, Soltero: single, Casado: marriaged, Divorciado: divoiced, Viudo: widowed
birthday string Date of birth
birth_place string Birth place of the person
issue_date string Issue date
expiry_date string Expiry date
election_number string Election number
organ_donation string Organ donation, SI: Yes, No: No
  • The back side of new ID card
Fields Type Description
region string Department/Province/District
address string Detail address
  • The front side of old ID card
Fields Type Description
id_number string ID card number
father_name string Father's name
mother_name string Mother's name
name string Name of the person
gender string Gender, M: male, F: female
gender_s string Gender, M: male, F: female
marriage string Marriage status, S: single, C: marriaged, D: divorced, V: widowed
birthday string Date of birth
birth_place string Birth place of the person
registration_date string Registration date
issue_date string Issue date
expiry_date string Expiry date
  • The back side of old ID card
Fields Type Description
department string Department
province string Province
district string District
address string Detail address
election_number string Election number
organ_donation string Organ donation
  • The front side of ALIEN ID card
Fields Type Description
id_number string ID card number
document_number string Document number
surname string Surname
given_name string Given name
gender string Gender
gender_s string Formatted gender, M: male, F: female
marriage string Marriage status, S: single, C: marriaged, D: divorced, V: widowed
birthday string Date of birth
birthday_s string Formatted date of birth
issue_date string Issue date
issue_date_s string Formatted issue date
expiry_date string Expiry date
expiry_date_s string Formatted expiry date
nationality string Nationality
migratory_quality string Migratory quality

Response Syntax
  • Front side of new ID card
  "request_id": "TID8bf47ab6eda64476973cc5f5b6ebf57e",
  "status": "OK",
  "results": [{
     "card_type": "new",
     "card_side": "front",
     "id_number": "1075xxxx-x",
     "father_name": "COMXX",
     "mother_name": "CCAXXXXX",
     "name": "ANA ISAXXX",
     "gender": "FEMENINO",
     "gender_s": "F",
     "marriage": "Soltero",
     "birthday": "16/05/1994",
     "birth_place": "140133",
     "issue_date": "11/10/2019",
     "expiry_date": "11/10/2024",
     "election_number": "053xxx",
     "organ_donation": "NO"
  "face_region": [
  • Back side of new ID card
  "request_id": "TID8bf47ab6eda64476973cc5f5b6ebf57e",
  "status": "OK",
  "results": [{
     "card_type": "new",
     "card_side": "back",
       "region": "LIMA/LIMA/LA VICTORIA",
       "address": "15 DE JULIO 10XX DPTO.21X"
  • Front side of old ID card
  "request_id": "TID8bf47ab6eda64476973cc5f5b6ebf57e",
  "status": "OK",
  "results": [{
     "card_type": "old",
     "card_side": "front",
       "id_number": "1075xxxx-x",
       "father_name": "COMXX",
       "mother_name": "CCAXXXXX",
       "name": "ANA ISAXXX",
       "gender": "F",
       "marriage": "S",
       "birthday": "16/05/1994",
       "birth_place": "140133",
       "registration_date": "11/10/2016",
       "issue_date": "11/10/2019",
       "expiry_date": "11/10/2024",
    "face_region": [
  • Back side of old ID card
  "request_id": "TIDcfa616942c0e4c4cb3870cfb9b1a94be",
  "results": [
      "card_info": {
        "address": "AV. BRASIL xxxx",
        "department": "LIMA",
        "district": "JESUS MARIA",
        "election_number": "036xxx",
        "organ_donation": "NO",
        "province": "LIMA"
      "card_side": "back",
      "card_type": "old"
  "status": "OK"
  • Front side of ALIEN ID card
    "request_id": "TIDdcda3ce2753a4455b459b370d7768dd1",
    "results": [
            "card_info": {
                "birthday": "xx MAR 1991",
                "birthday_s": "xx-03-1991",
                "document_number": "",
                "expiry_date": "",
                "expiry_date_s": "",
                "gender": "M",
                "gender_s": "M",
                "given_name": "ADRIAN XXXXXX",
                "id_number": "004599xxx",
                "issue_date": "",
                "issue_date_s": "",
                "marriage": "S",
                "migratory_quality": "ESP ESPECIAL",
                "nationality": "VENEZOLANA",
                "surname": "RIOS XXXXX"
            "card_side": "front",
            "card_type": "ALIEN",
            "face_region": [
    "status": "OK"

4.Error Codes

Common error codes of this API:

Http Status Code Status field Description
400 INVALID_ARGUMENT Request parameter is invalid
400 DETECTION_FAILED Detect image failed
401 UNAUTHORIZED Unauthorized or access is denied
401 KEY_EXPIRED Your API ID has expired
403 NO_PERMISSION You are not authorized to use this API
403 OUT_OF_QUOTA API calls quota exceeded
403 RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED API request frequency exceeds the limit
404 NOT_FOUND Requested API cannot be found
500 INTERNAL_ERROR Internal server error

Comment: Please see the reason field for details when the above 40X error occurred

Response Syntax
  "status": "INVALID_ARGUMENT",
  "reason": "must specify 'file' or 'image_base64' argument",
  "request_id": "TID8bf47ab6eda64476973cc5f5b6ebf57e"


results matching ""

    No results matching ""